12:42 PM


is it cool to work in a tech savy environment ?  how good is this

check out this images  of an ultimate work place ..... how some of the tech hubs are !

google , twitter, diggs ....list is endless ...... .all just awesome.... I plan to visit , work or gatecrash  some that I have not so far ....

Here is an  individual list that was awesome .....  JUST CLICK EACH AND CHECK OUT.....

4. parliamentdesign (DEsiGn ANd InTeractiOn FiRm... among my favourites)
5. Medical Techs Technology Center Medical Science - Berlin
6. Moser Associates Hongkong
7. 37 Signals Office

9:10 AM


here are my thoughts ...... 
NB :  This article was part of a series we are running in one of the  print media in East Africa .

Competition motivates, and innovates; fosters good pricing, better services   and information flow .In competitive communities, institutions have stronger structures and consumer always wins. Objective advertising manures competition. According to the Adam Smith Institute, Adam Smith, LL.D., in An Inquiry into the Nature And Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), "...showed convincingly how the principles of free trade, competition, and choice would spur economic development, reduce poverty, and precipitate the social and moral improvement of humankind."  "So persuasive were his arguments that they not only provided the world with a new understanding of the wealth-creating process; they laid the intellectual foundation for the great era of free trade and economic expansion that dominated the Nineteenth Century."
Businesses advertise, yes! In commonwealth and non commonwealth countries lawyers advertise! If you don’t its impossible to get clients. It’s only the media, the method, frequency and size of audience that differ. Lawyers did advertise in America even before 1908 when the American Bar Association adopted the Canons of Professional Ethics, in particular Canon 27 which restricted lawyers advertising to the use of   business cards. This was mainly meant to protect the public perception of the profession but ended up with loss of public confidence mainly attributed to profession's poor handling of basic client relationships, absence of attention to communication and general misunderstanding on lawyer fees. In 1977, Seventy years later, the American Supreme court threw out the blanket restriction against lawyer advertising as unconstitutional, holding that bar rules which banned lawyer advertising were infringements of an attorney's First Amendment right to commercial speech. (Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U.S. 350 (1977). For the last 30 years this decision has been hampered by hilarious infringements of ethics and the common good which has led to various court rulings to provide directions and even in different states Bar associations have set guidelines. An example of such cases is In re Anis, 599 A.2d 1265 (N.J. 1992). Where a lawyer in New Jersey was publically reprimanded for sending letters to solicit business from accident victims knowing well that their mental and physical state could not permit good judgment and thoughtful choice. Most associations focus their advertising guidelines on the following six pillars
The advertisements should be truthful; both literally and in the impression it should give a fair and true picture.
They should be accurate and the language used should be clear to lay audience. It should include disclaimers, qualifiers and explanatory notes that are of such type size and prominence to be easily read by anyone accessing this information portal.
Uphold fairness in such that any endorsement by public figures or celebrities ,dramatization and recreation of events should represent underlying facts and contain disclaimer that the persons depicted are just actors for advertising purpose alone  not clients of the firm.
The information relayed should be relevant to help the client make a thoughtful choice and should not include comparison with other lawyers’ services
The animation and other stylistic representation should be rational not to unduly manipulate the clients into ignoring the underlying facts.
The advertisements have to state clearly the jurisdictions where the lawyer is authorized to practice.

Advances in ICT and e-marketing have been aerating various sub sectors of the economy, judicature is not an exception .Introduction of technologies in this sectors has led to drastic changes in rules and dynamics of the goods and services markets 
If adopted, Advocates Practice, Marketing and Advertising rules 2007 it will spearhead the move by Kenyan lawyers, from 50cms by 35cms plaques to digital advertising which has a lot of benefits to different stakeholders. Law firms will able to market themselves to a larger clientele and hence more business opportunities. Lawyers can capture this opportunity to educate the wider community on important issues in the legal processes hence reduce the perceived distance between public and legal institutions  .Use of digital advertising boosts trust and confidence among members of the public.
The move will oxygenate the link between the ICT professionals and the legal fraternity especially lawyers in  Kenya where previous interaction has been in only in areas of core software development like Case management systems that are utilized by a segment of the market and automation of court documents .With availability of web based tools of advertising and brochures ,webdesigners,graphic designers, e-marketing consultant and perhaps professionals in data mining who will be handy in analysis ,evaluation and prediction of markets using web generated data will have lawyers top in their clients lists.
ICT will have positive impact on the legal educational system, in future the lawyers must have above basics knowledge of ICT and marketing to stay afloat in the competitive market, this have to be propped by introduction of training modules in legal courses .Even some Commonwealth Countries like  India have done this and as a result they have Techno-legal firms  .As Lord Chancellor’s Department in England and Wales Consultation Paper: Resolving and Avoiding Disputes in the Information Age (1998) puts it…
There can be no doubt that we are moving rapidly into information age, into era where rich body of technology will transform our lives, bringing changes as fundamental as the Industrial Revolution brought to society in the 18th century. No one will be exempt from these changes”
With  a wide history the legal practice has strong background which can be assimilated and enhanced through  improved research that can be tech -aided .
This new technologies come with challenges .The expected constraints that the users of this technologies especially the internet must be aware of include the Access rights ,the access to various information portals must be well defined “who should see what”. In the theory of information security ownership of information is very important for sources authentication.
Users must also be aware of cyber extortion where fraudsters’ purports to be offering various needed services .Lawyers and other Information disseminators must be able to minimize denial of service attacks on their clients .Spamming is also  major nuisance in electronic advertising ,where a client receives unsolicited mails purported to originate from a given entity .
Who knows soon we might have Kenyan legal blogs .For more on current legal blogs see http://legalblogwatch.com.
The author is an ICT enthusiast

8:51 AM


As part of Google’s ongoing commitment to furthering Anita’s vision, Google   announces  The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Through the scholarship, the  aim is to  encourage women to excel in computing and technology, and become active role models and leaders.
Multiple scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates’ academic performance, leadership experience and demonstrated passion for computer science. A group of female Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD student finalists will be chosen from the applicant pool. The scholarship recipients will each receive a €7,000 (or equivalent) scholarship.
In June 2011, all scholarship recipients and finalists will be invited to visit Google’s Engineering Centre in Zurich for a networking retreat. It will include workshops with a series of speakers, panels, breakout sessions and social activities, and will provide an opportunity for all finalists to meet and share their experiences.

8:46 AM

GRAB THIS CASH ..... change lives ....... ALL IT NEEDS IS PASSION ......

We're challenging the public to create innovative software applications that move us a step closer toward solving some of the world's most pressing problems.  
WORLD BANK CHALLENGE IS HERE ...... WITH good cash tokens...

4:41 PM

on teaching theoretical computer science

As I wandered online ,   I found myself in these two familiar territories  and the discourses  were funny and mind pricking ....... The first discourse by Scott  makes a lot of sense and  was in a big way  a challenge  .....find out here TEACHING YOUR STUDENT NOT TO NEED A TEACHER

this is another wonderful  BLOG (one of my Favourites)  by Daniel Lemire .....find out from here CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT.
 this blog raises very key  issues that circumvent many research projects.

6:09 PM

EVER WONDERED ..... Why Intelligent People Fail

EVER WONDERED ..... Why Intelligent People Fails ,

enjoy and be objective ....this article from Michael Anissimov..... says it all

6:16 PM


Note: System Volume Information folder might be recreated after these instructions but it will a clean folder .

Here is a  simple and easy sequence of  instructions on how to remove viruses the "recycler"  folder and System Volume Information folder  in windows XP ..... Your drives will have such folders as the ones below  . e.g if its c:

in case you attempt to delete either ..... you get  these annoying message box .........

FIRST ......TO DELETE  RECYCLER FOLDER ...... Follow these .....
1. Access the Task Manager >>> this can be done by ge ....Start > go to  Run ......... and type Taskmgr on the run Prompt as shown below
 2. The Task Manager will Pop Up as shown below  and kill  the process called Ctfmon.exe

 3. Right click on My computer Icon  and go to properties  and after the pop below go to System Restore  Tab and tick  the  "Turn System Restore on all Drives" check box as shown below and  Click Apply  button and then Ok

 4. Delete the RECYCLER FOLDER in each drive (e.g in my Scenario I would  delete in C,D, and  E) and empty  the recycle bin .... Alternatively Shift + Delete  the folder in each drive.

After These the RECYCLER FOLDER is GONE......GONE ...GONE......!


Note: its advised you only delete the content of these folder not the folder itself ..... it will be recreated  by windows after the rebooting.
here are the steps 
  1. Click Start, and then click My Computer.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
  3. On the View tab, click Show hidden files and folders.
  4. Clear the Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) check box. Click Yes when you are prompted to confirm the change.
  5. Clear the Use simple file sharing (Recommended) check box.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Right-click the System Volume Information folder in the root folder, and then click Properties.
  8. Click the Security tab.
  9. Click Add, and then type the name of the user to whom you want to give access to the folder. Typically, this is the account with which you are logged on. Give the user full control if not access Click OK, and then click OK again.
  10. Double-click the System Volume Information folder in the root folder to open it.
  11. Delete the content of these System Volume Information folder in each drive ...... or Delete the folder itself ...... It will recreated a fresh and virus free ......
Hope this helps ........ In case you need more .......ask


1:46 PM


Fellow Kenyans  ...... before you listen to those politically instigated statements on the YES and No . Please read the constitution both the current and the proposed  to make an informed choice.

THE CURRENT   CONSTITUTION IS HERE click here to download PDF of the current Constitution   

THE PROPOSED  CONSTITUTION  HTML  version  (online reading) is here CLICK TO GET THE HTML version the proposed constitution

click here to get the proposed KATIBA .... PDF format

HERE IS ALSO THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION ...Gives a lot on devolution





1:27 PM


This is a paper I presented at ICT conference 2009 held at Strathmore university Nairobi . My thesis is that for Kenya to achieve the VISION 2030, a bottom up  approach (Communities participation model) is the most effective, Local governments have closer links with communities and established core competencies enhanced by communities long standing trades and ways of life, though they have governance challenges. ICT can be used as an enabler to this activities.....here is the paper......



Local Authorities in Kenya are well linked with communities and if well utilized they can play a great role in country's development. Use of ICT by local governments as an enabler to enhance service delivery and promote growth and development which includes preservation and promotion of traditional knowledge , marketing of local products, local investment advisory services, domestic tourism e.t.c is still not well utilized . Focus on top down approach to E- governance tends to sideline other complementary ICT initiatives. In this paper we examine a number of roles and opportunities that use of ICT provides to the local governments in Kenya in their endeavor to enhance sustainable development in their localities and the translation of this experiences to the national growth. We draw experiences from other similar initiatives by local governments in the world and propose adoption of a participatory model that can be used in Kenya.

Keywords: ICT; socio-economic development; Local Authorities; diffusion


After the agrarian revolution, the success of any society is based on the efficiency and effectiveness of its information dissemination processes and the knowledge management structures. Information Communication Technology (ICT) has redefined these processes and structures by changed traditional business models, flattened organizational and governance structures and inoculating new entrepreneurship avenues [1].
Local government is one of the most strategic pillars of national growth and development [13] The need to link national information communication technologies (ICTs) strategies with the local governments’ agenda is necessary to achieve socio-economic development of the communities. Partnerships among different stakeholders in the society are a key factor toward developing an information society. The effectiveness of ICT in overall communities’ development is highly dependant on the success of these partnerships in ensuring introduction, adoption, diffusion and adaptation is carried out in a healthy and supportive environment [2]. This paper explores the role and opportunities that can be exploited by local governments in Kenya.

Kenya and Vision 2030

For a vision to transform and transcends the intended society the passion of vision must be created, engrained and integrating into every aspect peoples’ lives. In their book First Things First [3] states that
“The passion created by shared vision creates synergistic empowerment. It unleashes and combines the energy, talent and capacities of all involved. ” p.g 209
The Kenya vision 2030 launched on 29/10/06 provides the route path to transform Kenya to a middle income economic hub of prosperity with a sustainable growth rate of 10 percent by 2030 with goals of creating employment, wiping out absolute poverty, famine, preventable deaths and building a democratic system that respect the rule of law, rights and freedom of every individual and society [4] .The role of ICT in attaining these set goals is critical. Porter et al [5] argues that technology acquires great significance as countries move from low income level where development challenges are basic market factors like land, labor and capital to middle income level. Each Local government needs to create an enabling environment for the vision to be realized.

Technologies and Local communities

Planning and evaluation of ICT – based development initiatives is complex [6]. A number of researchers concur that ICT adoption and implementation is not a rational matter of developing and implementing solutions but also involves social and political processes [6-8].
Bridge.org [9] an organization that promote effective usage of ICT in developing world by addressing the realities of ICT-enabled socio-economic development gives a set of best practice guidelines, the 12 Habits of Highly Effective ICT-Enabled Development Initiatives [10]. The guidelines can be summarized as follows: The ICT development initiative should;
a) Research on the grey areas that gives the communities a competitive advantage to give a an assessment of available resources and goals
b) Have local ownership and raise the awareness in the communities which extends to educating and engaging with an aim of a buy-in that gives a sense of ownership among beneficiaries’. The initiatives should also seek to provide solution to local problems.
c) Form sound partnership and collaboration with stakeholders like civil societies, central government, organization , business communities and media to pool resources and experience to achieve the common good. This is also observed by Harindranath and Sein [11].
d) Have a foundation on technology – neutral concepts to accommodate future changes.
e) Involve traditionally isolated groups on basis of age, gender, race and religion.
f) Be sustainable over a long term either by bringing sufficient income or improvement to the welfare of the communities

ICT as an Engine of sustainable Growth and development.

The strategy for ICT in local authorities exists but focuses on e-Governance, national wide institutional partnerships and does not take into consideration local communities partnerships. [12]. Mittulah and Waema [13] in their research concept paper notes that the local authority ICT strategy in Kenya is too ambitious and has unrealistic implementation time frame. They also note the challenges human capacity, change management, funding and ICT resources in the local authorities that would affect the implementation.
The need for local partnerships is necessitated by the fact that each local government has its unique opportunities that result from established traditional economic activities e.g. Thika Municipal council is traditionally known as an agricultural and industrial town popularly known as the “Birmingham of Kenya” whereas Olkejuado town council has activities like tourism and cattle rearing. This can only succeed through support of the communities and the government both local and central.
In the forthcoming sections we look at the current E-governance strategy in Kenya and highlight areas for further improvement. We also draw examples of successful ICT communities’ partnership and propose a participatory model that can be used in Kenya. The examples here fall into three categories namely; E-governance, tourism, and agriculture.

ICT in Governance

The Local e-Governance strategy focuses on management of services through cost cutting. The strategy provides for three products [12]:
(1) Local Authorities Integrated Financial Operations Management System (LAIFOMS) which has three components namely revenue, expenditure and budget preparation – monitoring .
(2) Local Authorities geographical information system (LAGIS) that aims to map and geo-reference properties in local authorities with a view to determine the potential for collection of rates from property owners.
(3)Local Authorities human resource management systems (LAHRMS).
There are many dimensions of governance that the current strategy does not consider. Sturges [14] gives the main elements of a public governance and transparency as open government and public scrutiny, freedom of information laws, Financial accountability and social auditing and community awareness
The success of E-governance in Ireland is attributed to promotion of freedom, communities centered approach and wiping out “unfreedom” like bureaucracies e.t.c [15] . Ireland was able to create a community awareness program on the e-government services which focused on enrooting entrepreneurship and provision of fundamental services like customer inquiries and business support services.
In India the central government has liaised with states and municipal to offer online community services and providing local language support facilities e.g. The Dandeli city municipal council where users can get documents in local language – kannada . The website also gives an over view of the major economic activities of the city like industries (http://www.dandelicity.gov.in/index.html)

ICT in Tourism

ICT is vital in providing marketing infrastructure for both domestic and foreign tourism. Local Government needs to collaborate with communities and partners like the ministry of tourism and tourism board of Kenya to promote their goods and services. Domestic tourism can be promoted through cultural exchanges; communities’ social activities e.t.c. Domestic tourism offers great opportunities for wealth creation in the communities.
New Zealand focuses on small and medium-sized tourism enterprises (SMTE). It uses synergistic approach that accommodate both central and local government tourism strategies with the knowledge that Local authorities are often best placed to identify the policy mechanisms that can best support the creation of wealth at the local communities level and their contribution can be assimilated in the national development policy [16]. Rodney District Council is one of the areas where SMTE have been successfully implemented through community participation.

ICT in Agriculture.

Agriculture is the major economic activity in Kenya. One of the major problems experienced by farmers is timely access to information since high percentages of farmers are in rural areas. Communities’ partnership can be used to establish agricultural community centers’ where farmer can access market information, products varieties. Soirano noted that agricultural Community telecentres had a positive impact on rural poverty reduction in China Wu’an village[17].

The Participatory Model for ICT Adaption, Implementation and Diffusion in Kenya

In this section we propose a model adopted from for ICT adaption, Implementation and diffusion in Kenya to enhance socio- economic development in the local communities. The model below  denoted  Fig 1 is proposed since it easily assimilates the already existing Local Authorities Services Development Action plan (LASDAP) [12] approach that advocate for direct involvement communities’ and public private partnerships in charting their development agenda.

Fig 1: Pro-Poor Growth (PPG) model below  adopted from [18]….. (p.g 16)


ICT plays an important role in ensuring and the effectiveness of local authorities in promotion wealth creation, societal empowerment and the realization of vision 2030. Public private partnerships at local levels play an important role in ensuring the vision stays alive. There is need for the local government to redefine its ICT strategy to cater for these partnerships. Mohamed Yunus [19] stressed the need for IT in all strata of life economic prosperity is to be achieve ….
There is an on-going view that IT is totally irrelevant for the poor who are generally illiterate; IT is too expensive for them to reach out to; the poor don’t need fancy IT, they need food. These are the voices of the sceptics. Now in three years there are more than 5000 Telephone Ladies in Bangladesh villages doing roaring business selling telephone service.” (Mohammed Yunus 2001)


[1] Craig Mundie and, Haynes P. HOW INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY. IS TRANSFORMING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Microsoft Corporation: download microsoftcom//WP_ICT_and_Economic_Developmentpdf

[2] Kamel S, Rateb D, El-Tawil M. The Impact of ICT investments on economic development in Egypt. The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries 2009; 36:1-21.

[3] Stephen Covey, Roger Merrill, Merrill R, First aThings First: To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994.

[4] http://www.nesc.go.ke/News&Events/KenyaVision2030Intro.htm, Kenya Vision 2030: Transforming National Development.

[5] Porter ME, Sachs JD, Cornelius PK, McArthur JW, Schwab K, Executive summary: competitiveness and stages of economic development. In: M. E. Porter JDS, P. K. Cornelius, J. W. McArthur , K. Schwab, editor. New york, 2002: 16-25.

[6] Tantoush, Clegg. CADCAM integration and the practical politics of technological change. Journal of Organizational Change Management 2001; 14:9-27.

[7] Zorn T, Politics, Emotion, and the Discourse of ICT Adoption and Implementation Annual Meeting of the Australia-New Zealand Communication Association. Gold Coast Australia, 2002.

[8] Flak, Rose. Stakeholder governance: adapting Stakeholder Theory to e-Government. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 2005; 16.

[9] Bridge.org, http://www.bridges.org/about

[10] bridge.org, 12 Habits of Highly Effective ICT-Enabled Development Initiatives. http://www.bridges.org /12_habits.

[11] Harindranath &, Sein, revisiting the role of ict in development Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries. São Paulo Brazil, 2007.

[12] Ministry of Local Government kenya, Information, education and communication Strategy for the ministry of local government December 2008. http://www.localgovernment.go.ke/index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=49&task=view.download&cid=1.

[13] Winnie Mitullah & Waema T, State of ICT and Local Governance, Needs Analysis and Research Priorities. Local Governance and ICTs Research Network for Africa Nairobi kenya, 2005.

[14] Sturges P. Corruption, Transparency and a Role for ICT? . International Journal of Information Ethics : 2004; 2(11).

[15] Orla O’Donnell, Richard Boyle , Timonen V, Transformational aspects of e-Government in Ireland: Issues to be addressed Institute of Public Administration (IPA), Ireland 2005.

[16] Nodder C, Cate N, Slater K, Milne S, www.unitec.ac.nz: ICT, Local Government & Tourism Development: Cases from Auckland, New Zealand : . 2001.

[17] Soriano C. Exploring the ICT and Rural Poverty Reduction Link : Community Telecentre and Rural Livelihoods in Wu’an China. The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries EJISDC 2007; 1:1-15.

[18] Directorate DC-o, OECD. Good Practice Paper on ICTs for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction. The DAC Journal 2005; 3.

[19] Yunus M, Key note speech Making Globalisation Work for the Poor – the European Contribution. Kramfors Sweden,, 2001.

12:13 PM

AS the kid grows up ..... the comics of parenting

At 4 Years
My daddy is great.

At 6 Years
My daddy knows everybody.

At 10 Years
My daddy is good but is short tempered

At 12 Years
My daddy was very nice to me when I was young.

At 14 Years
My daddy is getting fastidious.

At 16 Years
My daddy is not in line with the current times.

At 18 Years
My daddy is becoming increasingly cranky.

At 20 Years
Oh! Its becoming difficult to tolerate daddy. Wonder how Mother puts up
With him.

At 25 Years
Daddy is objecting to everything.

At 30 Years
It's becoming difficult to manage my son. I was so scared of my father
When I was young.

At 40 Years
Daddy brought me up with so much discipline. Even I should do the same.

At 45 Years
I am baffled as to how my daddy brought us up.

At 50 Years
My daddy faced so many hardships to bring us up. I am unable to manage
A Single son.

At 55 Years
My daddy was so far sighted and planned so many things for us. He is
One Of his kind and unique.

At 60 Years
My daddy is great.

Thus, it took 56 years to complete the cycle and come back to the 1st. Stage. Realize the true value of your parents before its too late.

12:13 PM

AS the kid grows up ..... the comics of parenting

At 4 Years
My daddy is great.

At 6 Years
My daddy knows everybody.

At 10 Years
My daddy is good but is short tempered

At 12 Years
My daddy was very nice to me when I was young.

At 14 Years
My daddy is getting fastidious.

At 16 Years
My daddy is not in line with the current times.

At 18 Years
My daddy is becoming increasingly cranky.

At 20 Years
Oh! Its becoming difficult to tolerate daddy. Wonder how Mother puts up
With him.

At 25 Years
Daddy is objecting to everything.

At 30 Years
It's becoming difficult to manage my son. I was so scared of my father
When I was young.

At 40 Years
Daddy brought me up with so much discipline. Even I should do the same.

At 45 Years
I am baffled as to how my daddy brought us up.

At 50 Years
My daddy faced so many hardships to bring us up. I am unable to manage
A Single son.

At 55 Years
My daddy was so far sighted and planned so many things for us. He is
One Of his kind and unique.

At 60 Years
My daddy is great.

Thus, it took 56 years to complete the cycle and come back to the 1st. Stage. Realize the true value of your parents before its too late.