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1:41 AM
One of the major reasons why the installations fail is due to non updated repositories. we end up with responses such as
'E: Unable to locate package qbittorrent'
The solution is here and I will demonstrate using qbittorrent installation in Kali Linux
Step 1: fact one is that Kali linux base repositories are debian based.
On the root terminal window type "leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list"
for example in my case it is :
root@ksnaves:~# leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list
Step2: The source list which is a text file will pop up. Copy and paste this commands below on the source list and save.
Step3: Update using the command on the terminal - " apt-get update"
for example in my case it is root@ksnaves:~# apt-get update
wait for the repository to update
step 4: Now install your software of choice. in my case it is qbittorrent.
as follows Open the terminal and type the command apt-get install qbittorrent
on my case it is
root@ksnaves:~# apt-get install qbittorrent and hit on enter button
After few seconds you will be provided with the question Y/N on whether to install or not....Of course Hit Y on the keyboard for Yes
Step 5: Now qbittorrent is installed, type command qbittorrent on the root terminal window and press enter